The Junk Parlor- purple and blue cabinet makeover

My original plan for this cabinet was to repaint it white. With a purple front, blue top, and originally chippy white on the sides, I didn’t know what else to do. However, after deciding on this color choice, I realized that I was out of my white milk paint, which I had planned on using. Not only was I out of my first pick, but I was also out of white chalk paint and white latex paint. Since I was out of all kids of white, I hunted for what color of chalk paint I did have.

What I did have was some tan and a grey color in latex, as well as a little cocoa in Annie Sloan chalk paint. I used the chalk paint cocoa color as a base. My thinking was that would create a uniform color for the piece. I then mixed my own chalk paint by adding plaster of paris to the light grey paint. I used the chalk paint for the next coat, but I did not paint the whole thing. I wanted the piece to have an aged look, so I just painted, almost using a dry brush technique, in some areas of the piece.

Dry brush is just a painting technique where you barely have paint on your brush and then lightly brush paint onto the piece. It’s very subtle but adds depth to the piece.

Sometimes I will distress the piece while the paint is still wet, a technique called wet sanding. This is done by simply painting the piece like normal, but then before it fully dries you wipe some of the paint off with a rag. Again, creating depth on the piece. You want the paint to dry a bit, otherwise you will remove all of the paint. I had recently seen that you can also use a scrapper while it is wet to take off the paint, so I tried it. But, it was taking both layers of paint off and taking it back down to purple!

The Junk Parlor- purple and blue cabinet makeover

So, I changed the distressing technique and began using a rag on it while it was wet, how I typically wet sand. It just seems to look more natural than sand paper sometimes.

The Junk Parlor- purple and blue cabinet makeover

Paint tends to have a mind of its own and I’ve learned to just relax, and go with it! Paint is very forgiving. You can always just start over and try a new color or different technique. Sometimes experimenting can lead you to excellent results and expose you to a new technique.

The Junk Parlor- purple and blue cabinet makeover

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