
How to Create a Story on Facebook & Instagram

Do you know how to create a story on Facebook and Instagram?

Sometimes to grow in our business, we have to be willing to try new things.  This means being vulnerable and risking failure, but it is a necessary risk for growth!  I have no idea why I have been willing to take risks, try new things, look stupid (but laugh about it), but I am SO thankful I have because that is what has allowed me to grow my business.

So, if you aren’t utilizing stories in your business, then I’m urging you to get started!  Video is a great way to connect with your audience. People love to see your face and know what you are doing.  So many people are spending more and more time watching stories. It is debated that more Instagram users spend their time watching stories versus looking at feeds.  And the number of people watching Facebook stories continues to grow.

In my Tip Tuesday emails and in my Staging Your Antique Shop group I talk a lot about letting your audience get to know you.  People buy from those they know, like and trust. And video is a great way to convey your personality and product to your audience.

Maybe you know all of this already, you just simply can’t figure out how to create a story.  Trust me, I understand! Technology is great when it’s working correctly and when we know what to do!  But, learning what to do can sometimes be a challenge. Sometimes it’s easier to have someone sitting beside you to show you what to do!  So, let me help you.

In this video I show you how to create a story on Facebook and how to create a story on Instagram.  I also show you how you can post to Instagram stories and have it automatically post to your Facebook stories.  Remember, I’m all about bundling tasks and being efficient. This feature definitely allows you to do that!

Utilizing social media has definitely helped my business grow. Tag me in one of your stories @thejunkparlor and I will share it to mine!

What some more tips? This one is on organization.

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