
How to Successfully Tag Your Business on Facebook

Facebook and other social media platforms are important to small businesses. One way to get recognized in your industry is to mention your business in comments. In today’s post we are going to talk about how to successfully tag your business on Facebook.

I frequently ask businesses to “give a shout out” to their business on my Facebook page.  Often times people will write their business name…The Junk Parlor, but they fail to TAG their business.  What does that mean? You know how sometimes a business name is in boldface, might have a preview image in the comment, and the biggest thing is when you click that boldface name, it takes you directly to that persons page!  That is a tag.

Why do you want to tag your business?  Because people want EASY. If they can click your tag/link and go directly to your page, they are more likely to start following you! If they have to remember your business name long enough to rewrite it in the search bar, they are less likely to do it.  And, sometimes doing this still doesn’t get the result you want because your business name doesn’t pull up in the search, or it isn’t the first one listed. So, what do you do?

Learn how to successfully tag your business. Practice! Always start with the @ then write your business name as one word, lowercase (@thejunkparlor)…does a pop-up window come up with your business?  If yes, click it. If no, try again. Start with the @ then write your business name, with spaces (@the junk parlor)…does a pop-up window come up with your business? If yes, click it. If no, try again.

Start with the @ then write your business name but try it with a capital letter without spaces (@Thejunkparlor) and then with spaces (@The Junk Parlor) and keep trying until that pop-up window comes up with your business. Now sometimes doing all of this it still doesn’t work.  That is when you need to get off your phone and onto a desktop. A lot of times things won’t work correctly on your phone, but do on the computer. Go back through the above process.

Now that you know how to successfully tag your business on Facebook, make sure you do it! You want your business to get as much exposure as possible, so if business asks you to share, or tag, or give a shout out to your business, then make sure to use your tag.

For more business tips, sign-up for my Tip Tuesday HERE.

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