Truflex Christmas Tablecloth with Poinsettias


Availability: 1 in stock


Truflex Christmas Tablecloth with Poinsettias

This is a tru-flex product Plasticloth Products, Inc. New York, N.Y. comes in it’s original packaging. Wrinkle-resistant, wipes clean with damp cloth, waterproof and washable.  This Christmas tablecloth was originally 54 x 90, but has been cut down to 54 x 72.  I did not measure it, nor open it completely.  But, the previous owner seems to have crossed out the 90 on the original packaging and replaced it with 72. Then, there are two scraps from that trimming in the package.  There is also another poinsettia scrap in there, but this is either an old napkin or trimmed from a paper tablecloth.

This plastic tablecloth has definitely been used, see where the red poinsettia leaves have worn off and are now red on a lot of the tablecloth. There is some minor staining.


Weight 4 oz
Dimensions 14 × 10 × .5 in