Vintage Advertising Brass Letter Opener CHOICE


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Vintage Advertising Brass Letter Opener CHOICE

Choice – all are approximately 8″ long

A. Rovane Dental Supply Co. Keokuk, Iowa Tel. 813

B. Shipman-Ward Mfg. Co. Chicago, Ill. “The Rebuilders Of The Underwood”

C. Franklin Printing Co. Commercial Printers Phone 5172 Council Bluffs, Iowa

D. Francis-Perry-Ruth Realty Co. 110 North Seventh St.

E. Clarence A. O’Brien Registered Patent Attorney Adams Building 1333 F St., N.W. Washington, D.C.

F. Clarence A. O’Brien Registered Patent Attorney Opposite U.S. Patent Office Washington, D.C. (damaged tip)

G. Clarence A. O’Brien Registered Patent Attorney Opposite U.S. Patent Office Washington, D.C.

Weight 1 oz
Dimensions 8 × 2 × .5 in

Rovane, Shipman-Ward, Franklin, Francis-Perry-Ruth, O'Brien, O'Brien 2, O'Brien 3