
Vintage Bases for your Bottle Brush Trees

Have you ever purchased a bottle brush tree and been disappointed with the look of its base? I have! So I altered a few bottle brush trees and used vintage items as bases instead.

Bottle brush trees are so popular to use in holiday decor! Do you use them? There are vintage ones, but sometimes it is hard to tell them apart! Adding vintage bases to a new bottle brush tree can help you get that vintage holiday look and feel.

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A bottle brush tree could be inserted into an old metal door knob, or into smaller knobs from a dresser or cabinet. If you are inserting the wire trunk from the bottle brush tree into a bigger hole, you can use some mounting putty to hold the tree in place.

Wooden Blocks

Vintage wooden blocks are popular and can always look good in any style of decor. The blocks that I used as bases were from a puzzle and I knew I didn’t have the whole puzzle. So, I thought this would be a fun way to reuse them. Simply drill a small hole into the block and insert the wire of your bottle brush tree.


Another ideas is to use corks. A bonus with both old or new corks, is that no drill is needed. The corks are soft enough that you can stick the wire from the bottle brush tree directly into the new base.

Baby Shoes

I keep going on picks where someone had collected baby shoes! I have sold a lot of them, but I find items sell better when they are displayed a unique way. Something that gives someone inspiration or is nostalgic. What better way to display old shoes this holiday season, but to stick a tree in it!


Of course you can stick a bottle brush tree in about anything proportional to give it a new base. This time I used a small wooden spool. And a bottle brush display wouldn’t be complete without one tied to a little vehicle. I often using fishing line to secure my trees.

What else can you think of that would make a good base for a bottle brush tree?

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