
This year I have been talking about doing a 25 Days of Christmas series. Believe it or not, it is December!! To kick off the series I shared decorating my dining room for the holidays.

Now, I don’t decorate a lot for the holidays. I pick a few areas to add a holiday touch, but I don’t decorate every room or corner of my house. And, even though I am Type A, I relinquish control and let the kids decorate the Christmas Tree.

While it never looks Instagram worthy, the kids absolutely love pulling out the ornaments they have made over the years. We laugh about some of the crazy projects their teachers have them do. Like using brown paint for a foot print and then creating an angel with it. Or, a reindeer face made from a coat hanger and pantyhose that is almost a couple feet long.

We also get a good laugh over the kids photos that are often used on the ornaments. Our kids make some good faces!

While decorating for the holidays this year we also turned on the Christmas music. Hubby has a beautiful voice, but our 16 year old repeatedly asked who sings this song…followed by yeah, not you. Oh joy!

I hope you have wonderful memories of decorating for the holidays. Check out the video below to see how I decorated a corner of the dining room while the kids decorated the tree.

Looking for some holiday decor? Go HERE.

This post may contain affiliate links for the products I use and recommend. I am not paid to promote these products. If you purchase using my affiliate links, I could make a small commission at no charge to you.

Want to see another 25 Days of Christmas project? Go HERE.

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