
Creative Ways to Display Valentine’s & other Ephemera

Do you have vintage Valentine’s Day cards, but struggle with how to display them? Today I will be sharing creative ways to display Valentine’s & other ephemera.

Of course I love the old vintage Valentine’s cards and romantic post cards the best. Maybe you are lucky enough to have some from your parents or grandparents. But, if not, there are lots of other peoples Valentine’s to be found! You can check online retailers, like me. Or you can find them in the wild thrifting, shopping antique stores or even at a flea market! I would say you can expect to pay anything from a few pennies to $15 per vintage Valentine.

Sometimes it’s the graphics and colors that make me reach for a card while other times it’s the message. Whatever the reason, they are a great thing to collect! They are inexpensive, make a statement, yet don’t take up a lot of storage space! Sounds like a win win!

But, maybe you struggle with how to display them! I will tell you that the sky is the limit!!

"special" card magneted to an old sad iron


Pick a wire that is soft enough that you can easily bend it, but something that is sturdy enough that it can handle the weight of a card. In this post I share with you one way to use wire.

Wire hearts in a spool holding a Valentine

You can literally shape the wire into anything you want! A heart, a spiral, zigzags, etc. Then stick it in something. Old shaker bottles are great for this, but so is anything with a small hole! An old oil can or funnel, bud vases, toothbrush holders. Just keep an open mind! Then simply use that wire as a “paperclip” for your Valentine.

Metal swirl stuck in a shaker bottle holding a valentine
Grouping of oil cans, one with a Valentine clipped to it, one with a wire heart and one with a spiraled wire in the end holding a Valentine
Wire heart stuck in a spool holding a Valentine


Not just string, but twine, ribbon, lace, garland, a shoelace!!! Anything that is long and skinny! Hang the string from a picture frame, the back of a kitchen cabinet, on a hook or handle. The list goes on and on. Not only can you make a “clothesline” for your cards, but you can also just let the string fall straight down and clip on a bunch of Valentine’s.

You can also use string to wrap the Valentine around something! Pick a string, lace, ribbon, etc. that matches the rest of your decor!

Valentine wrapped around a bottle with twine
Valentine's hanging from lace
Valentine's hanging from red Christmas garland


What can you use to clip a couple things together? Well I love mini clothespins! I love mini binder clips! And I love to personalize both with a little paint OR you can even glue on a brooch or something fun to bedazzle them more!

Valentine clipped to an old retail sign and one free standing with only a clothespin

What can you clip to? Anything!

Make your own spot to clip Valentine’s to by using all options listed with string! Or clip it to something that is already thin enough to clip too! Oil cans work for this too! Receipt holders, hangers, books, handles, etc. A lot of times you can just use the clip as a hanger for the wall or a stand!!

Valentine's clipped to an old hanger.
Valentine clipped to a receipt spike

You can even use clothespins in a different way! Take old clothespins and put them in a creamer, little pot, or cheese box. Then take one of those clothespins and put it upside down. that leaves an opening for you to slide in your Valentine!

Old clothespins in a silverplate creamer with one clothespin holding a Valentine


Over the years I have done a lot of fun things with magnets! My favorite is to buy plain magnets and then glue things to them!! If you thrift, shop estate sales or go to auctions then you probably see little bits and bobs that you love, they speak to you for whatever reason, yet you are at a loss for what to do with them!

I have an answer for you!!! Glue them onto a magnet and use them! Game pieces, old key chain, cool button or brooch, tiny toys or tools… The list of possibilities goes on and on and on!

bottle top glued to a magnet that is stuck to money boxes holding a valentine

Tuck In Valentine’s

You really don’t have to do anything special to make your home festive for Valentine’s Day! Sometimes it’s the little touches that are best! Tuck a Valentine into a framed mirror! Use some fun washi tape and tape one onto your kids bathroom mirror so that they see it as they get ready each morning!

It doesn’t have to be a mirror, it can just be any clock or picture hanging in your home!

Valentine tucked into a picture frame

I use flower frogs for a lot of things and displaying your Valentine’s with them is super easy! You could even do a fun photograph or post card swap out each month for something seasonal!

And I love repurposing things, so this is another good way to repurpose tinker toys! HERE is another way I’ve repurposed them in the past.

Valentine's displayed in a flower frog and tinker toys

Make Something

My friend Courtney, The Vettel Farm, created a beautiful wreath out of old Valentine’s! Checkout her blog HERE. And if you aren’t already following her blog, this girl has SO many great ideas, SO many great vintage pieces, AND she does a lot of educating you about vintage on her site too!!

Valentine post card wreath made by Courtney, The Vettel Farm

Get Even More Ideas on Hello Iowa

Brooke with Megan at Hello Iowa

Happy Decorating

One of my biggest tips for displaying Valentine’s cards is to just tuck them into your existing decor! You don’t have to take things down and replace vignettes! Just simply use these creative display suggestions and add the wire, string, magnets, etc. to what you already have in your home! Easy peasy!

Curious about some of my other display ideas? Checkout how I displayed these vintage cookie cutters!

Cookie cutters glued to old tinker toys

This post may contain affiliate links for the products I use and recommend. I am not paid to promote these products. If you purchase using my affiliate links, I could make a small commission at no charge to you.

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